After reporting about the Stonewall Inn and others in my last blog in part I, I will present the final four of my 7 personal wonders in part II:
I have travelled to the archipelago several years ago. I was overwhelmed by the turquoise water. To experience such “tropically dyed” water in reality, was extremely inspiring. Not to mention snorkelling: I got close to a baby shark. *Wow* Last but not least, the Maldives are among my wonders of the world, because their existence is threatened by the rise in sea level.
Most of my destinations have been big cities so far. I have always loved to travel by public transport there. That’s the only way I can truly immerse myself in daily life experienced the locals. I prefer to use an underground if there is one. An underground network is not a classical place or building. but I am always intrigued how it operates. And without the engineers who created it this experience would not be possible. This is why I consider an underground network as one my seven wonders of the world. A cool audio sample of the underground in my city Berlin: Oliver Koletzki – Underground.
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
As well as I haven’t been to NYC at the Stonewall Inn so far, so I haven’t visited the real MoMA yet. However, like other art lovers, I had the great fortune to see the MoMA exhibition in Berlin in the Neue Nationalgalerie in 2004. I accepted a waiting time of just under four hours gladly. When I finally got my ticket I spent several hours in the unique exhibition. I was able to see live my favorite work of art – Persistance de la Mémoire by Salvador Dalí (1931), the original. An absolute highlight for me which is why the MoMA has a secure place on the list of my seven wonders of the world.
Cologne Cathedral
Although I am an atheist, there are still a few ecclesiastical buildings whose grace I cannot escape: the Cologne Cathedral is one of these buildings. Not only the building itself, but the reverent and sublime atmosphere inside make it so special to me. This mood came to my mind especially during a midnight mass.

Steven has been part of since 2013. He is the man for social media and the ebab gay travel blog. As you can see, he also likes to write a blog article himself.
German version: Steven gehört seit 2013 zum Team von Er ist der Mann für Social Media und unseren ebab Gay Travel Blog. Wie ihr seht, schreibt auch er gern einmal einen Blogartikel selbst.