Deutschlands queerster Friedhof

Die Sonne scheint, einige Besucher bummeln schweigend zwischen den Grabreihen entlang. Die Gärtner tragen abgeschnittene Zweige zusammen, ein Mann sitzt auf einer der Parkbänke und liest ein Buch. Der Alte St. Matthäus Kirchhof scheint ein Friedhof zu sein wie viele andere. Am Eingang des Friedhofs wiegen sich Palmen sanft im Wind … Palmen?

Der Friedhof im Herzen von Schöneberg ist die letzte Ruhestätte der Märchenbrüder Jakob und Wilhelm Grimm; dem Hitler-Attentäter Graf von Stauffenberg zu Ehren wurde hier ein Denkmal errichtet. In den letzten Jahrzehnten erlangte der Alte St. Matthäus Kirchhof jedoch Berühmtheit wegen etwas anderem: Er gilt als inoffizieller „Schwulenfriedhof“ Deutschlands. Zahlreiche prominente AIDS- und Schwulenaktivisten fanden hier ihre letzte Ruhe.


Ein Hauch Extravaganz

Hinter den sich wiegenden Palmen versteckt sich ein kleines Café, das finovo. Es gilt als Deutschlands erstes Friedhofscafé – sein Name bedeutet „Ende & Anfang“. Bunt zusammengewürfelt stehen Stühle auf der kleinen Terrasse, ein Plastikkronleuchter hängt vom Gestänge des Sonnenschirms. Schräg neben dem Eingang zieht eine mit glitzernder Deko behangene Büste die Blicke auf sich.

Bernd Boßmann eröffnete das Café im September 2006. Sein Künstlername: Ichgola Androgyn. Der Schauspieler und Schwulenaktivist spielte unter anderem in vielen Filmen Rosa von Praunheims. In den 1980er und 1990er Jahren sammelte er gemeinsam mit anderen Künstlern Geld für AIDS-Hilfe-Projekte. Unter den Künstlern war Ovo Maltine – auch ihre letzte Ruhestätte befindet sich auf dem Friedhof.

„Garten der Sterne – Die Märchenhafte Geschichte eines queeren Berliner Friedhofs“ verkündet ein Schild vor dem Café. Es bewirbt die gleichnamige Dokumentation aus dem Jahre 2017, die von Boßmann und dem Friedhof handelt. Der „Garten der Sterne“ ist eine Abteilung des Friedhofes, in der Familien Abschied nehmen können von still- oder totgeborenen Kindern. Es ist Boßmanns Herzensprojekt – initiiert von ihm und dem Verein Efeu, der sich um die Instandhaltung des Friedhofs kümmert.

Der Spaziergang über den Friedhof lohnt. Neben vielen Grabstätten bekannter Schwulenaktivisten und Ikonen, von denen wir einige für euch aufgeführt haben, befindet sich hier auch das Denkmal des Vereins „Denk mal positHIV“ für alle, die an den Folgen von AIDS starben. Der Gang über den Friedhof ist eine gute Gelegenheit, sich mit der queeren Vergangenheit Berlins auseinanderzusetzen. Anschließend empfiehlt sich ein Besuch im finovo, denn Boßmann hat weitere interessante Geschichten auf Lager – und leckeren Kaffee.

Rio Reiser

„Ich hab so viele Leben wie Sterne am Himmel stehen“, sang Rio Reiser einst – der Frontmann der Kultband „Ton Steine Scherben“ starb 1996, sein Grab zog 2011 um. Nun befindet es sich auf dem inoffiziell schwulsten Friedhof Deutschlands, dem St. Matthäus Kirchhof in Schöneberg.

Manfred Salzgeber

Sein Leben stand ganz im Zeichen des Films – Der deutsche Schauspieler und Filmemacher wurde von Rosa von Praunheim entdeckt, spielte 1970 in dessen Film „Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Zeit, in der er lebt“. Nicht zuletzt damit wurde Salzgeber zu einer der Schlüsselfiguren der deutschen Homosexuellenbewegung.
1985 gründete er den Filmverleih „edition salzgeber“, der sich der Veröffentlichung von Filmen bis dato unbekannterer Regisseure widmete. Der Schwerpunkt lag damals auf der AIDS-Thematik, da sich an diese Filme kein anderer Verleih heranwagte.
Gemeinsam mit seinem Assistenten schuf Manfred Salzgeber 1987 den „Teddy Award“ – hiermit werden auf der Berlinale bis heute schwul-lesbische Filme ausgezeichnet.

Napoleon Seyfarth

Der Schriftsteller und Kolumnist provozierte gern – mit seiner Offenheit zu sexuellen Themen oder mit makabren Inszenierungen. Der HIV-positive Künstler stellte beispielsweise in seiner Wohnung den Sarg zur Schau, in dem er später beerdigt werden wollte: bunt lackiert, mit Zeichnungen von Engeln und Schweinen bemalt. Desöfteren fand der Sarg auch Funktion als Sektkühler.
Seyfarths 1991 erschienener autobiographischer Roman „Schweine müssen nackt sein. Ein Leben mit dem Tod“ war eines der ersten deutschen Werke zum Thema AIDS. Nachdem Seyfarth am 2. Dezember 2000 starb, wurde auch er auf dem St.Matthäus Kirchhof in Schöneberg beerdigt.

Charlotte Wolff

Auch auf dem Kirchhof zu finden ist der Gedenkstein für die jüdische Ärztin, Sexualwissenschaftlerin und Schriftstellerin Charlotte Wolff. Sie veröffentlichte in den 70ern wichtige Werke zur weiblichen Homosexualität und brachte damit die Lesbenbewegung weit voran.

Ovo Maltine

Ovo Maltine, die mit bürgerlichem Namen Christoph Josten hieß, war eine deutsche Travestiekünstlerin, die besonders im Bereich des Polit-Kabaretts tätig war. Auch als AIDS-Aktivist und Mitglied der Schwestern der Perpetuellen Indulgenz war sie bekannt; darüber hinaus wirkte sie an diversen Filmen Rosa von Praunheims mit. Ovo Maltine starb 2005 an den Folgen einer HIV-Infektion.


Sichtbarkeit über den Tod hinaus



Bei einem Spaziergang über den Friedhof findet man oft schwule Symbolik auf den Grabstätten – wie auf dem Grabstein von Napoleon Seyfarth und … Sichtbarkeit über den Tod hinaus – das ist auch ein Anliegen der Sappho-Frauenwohnstiftung. Sie eröffneten 2014 den ersten offiziellen Lesbenfriedhof Deutschlands. Das Areal liegt auf dem Georgen-Parochial-Friedhof I im Prenzlauer Berg. Laut Verein ist er ein Statement gegen die weitgehende Unsichtbarkeit weiblicher Homosexualität. Auch andere Friedhöfe in Berlin bieten Grabstätten schwuler und queerer Ikonen. Wir haben eine kleine Auflistung vorgenommen – natürlich gibt es noch mehr zu entdecken.


Hildegard Knef

Waldfriedhof Zehlendorf

Die deutsche Schauspielerin und Chansonsängerin gilt auch nach ihren Lebzeiten noch als Ikone der Schwulenbewegung. Auf die Nachfrage, warum sie von der Schwulenszene so verehrt würde, erklärte sie 1975: „Vielleicht, weil ich sehr liberal bin. Und weil das wirklich ein ehrliches Gefühl ist und kein aufgesetztes.“


Marlene Dietrich

III. Städtischer Friedhof Stubenrauchstraße

„La Dietrich“ ist nicht nur eine Ikone der Schwulenbewegung- Durch ihre rauchige Stimme, ihr androgynes Erscheinungsbild und das Spiel mit Stereotypen revolutionierte die deutsche Schauspielerin Geschlechterrollen und Modewelt gleichermaßen. In ihrem ersten Hollywoodfilm „Marokko“ küsste Marlene Dietrich 1930 eine andere Frau – in einen Smoking gehüllt, ihr späteres Markenzeichen. Ihr Grab auf dem Friedhof an der Stubenrauchstraße gehört zu den Ehrengräbern der Stadt Berlin.


Heinrich von Kleist

Am kleinen Wannsee

„Ich heirate niemals, sei du die Frau mir, die Kinder, und die Enkel!“, schrieb Heinrich von Kleist 1803 an den preußischen General Ernst von Pfuel.
Von dem Hügelgrab aus überblickt man den kleinen Wannsee. Das Grab liegt nicht auf einem Friedhof – das war damals nicht erlaubt. Denn hier starben Heinrich von Kleist und seine enge Freundin 1811 durch Suizid. Heinrich von Kleist war ein zu seiner Zeit verkanntes Genie der deutschen Literatur, seiner Epoche weit voraus. Auch Goethe nahm ihn nicht ernst, obwohl Kleist es sich so wünschte. Erst Jahrzehnte nach seinem Tod wurden seine Werke wiederentdeckt und zu Klassikern der Weltliteratur.
Zu wenig aus seinem Leben wurde überliefert, so konnte seine Sexualität nie einwandfrei geklärt werden – der Schmerz darüber, nicht dazuzugehören und anders zu sein, zieht sich jedoch wie ein roter Faden durch sein Werk.

Charlotte von Mahlsdorf

Evangelischer Waldkirchhof Mahlsdorf

Charlotte von Mahlsdorf galt zeitlebens als berühmteste Transperson Deutschlands. Die Trödelhändlerin und -sammlerin eröffnete 1960 das Berliner „Gründerzeitmuseum“ im Gutshaus Mahlsdorf, das sie damit vor dem Abriss rettete. Durch ihr Wirken entstand in dem noch heute existierenden Museum eine der bedeutendsten Sammlungen von Gegenständen aus der Gründerzeit.
1963 rettete sie die „Mulackritze“, die letzte komplett erhaltene Berliner Kneipe aus dem Scheunenviertel – und richtete sie im Keller der Museums wieder ein. Daraus entstand ein Treffpunkt der Homosexuellen Interessengemeinschaft Berlins (HIB).
Der Filmemacher Rosa von Praunheim verfilmte 1992 die Biografie Charlotte von Mahlsdorfs in dem Film „Ich bin meine eigene Frau“. Gespielt wurde sie in dem Film von niemand anderem als Bernd Boßmann.
In Gedenken an Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, ihre Arbeit an dem Museum und ihren öffentlichen Kampf für die Rechte von LGBT wurde ein Gedenkstein auf dem Gelände des Gründerzeitmuseums eingeweiht.

David Bowie

Hauptstraße 155, Schöneberg

Gut, streng genommen ist die Gedenktafel kein Grab – David Bowie darf in dieser Auflistung jedoch auf keinen Fall fehlen. Er lebte in der Stadt und drückte ihr seinen Stempel auf – und Berlin ihm den ihrigen. Ende der 1970er Jahre lebte und schrieb der androgyne Popstar hier seine drei Alben „Low“, „Heroes“ und „Lodger“, die als „Berliner Trilogie“ bekanntwurden. Hartnäckig hält sich auch das Gerücht über seine Liebesaffäre mit Rockstar Iggy Pop: die beiden waren in Berlin Mitbewohner. Auf seinem 24. Studioalbum aus dem Jahre 2013 erinnert die erste Single „Where Are We Now?“ an seine Zeit in der Hauptstraße 155 in Schöneberg – hier findet sich auch die Gedenktafel.


5 Honeymoon Packing Mistakes no LGBT Couple Should Make

Packing is always a daunting process. Even though it is regarded as fun as you are packing for a nice trip that you probably cannot wait for, there is that thing about packing that makes us just a bit nervous. This is especially important if we tend to forget things at home or make packing mistakes that we realize once we arrive at a certain destination. When it comes to honeymoon packing, though, we have to bring our best game. This trip is probably one of the most important trips that we will ever make, so in order not to forget anything and make the most out of this trip, you need to have a certain checklist that you will make several days (or even weeks) before your trip. Take a look at the five biggest honeymoon (packing) mistakes that LGBT couples make, so that you don’t:

Finding a bad destination

This might not have anything to do with packing whatsoever, but it is definitely one of the biggest LGBT honeymoon mistakes there are. LGBT couples can travel most of the world, yes, but they can certainly find themselves in a country that is not entirely LGBT-friendly. For example, if you want to celebrate your LGBT honeymoon and you want to do it with style, make sure to stay away from countries such as Russia (which banned Pride Parade for the next 100 years and where violence towards homosexuals is not frowned upon), or certain African countries such as Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda or Ghana. You can travel there if you want to, of course, but you will have to go back in the closet for the duration of your honeymoon, which might not be exactly what you want out of this trip. This is why you should always go for safe options, such as Sydney, for example, which is a great LGBT honeymoon destination, Europe or New York City.

Not packing all the queer essentials

However, if you opt for a good destination, then you might want to pack all the queerest things that you want. Since you are married, you will probably want to leave your latex pants at home (unless that is what you and your spouse really want). But, one of the most common essentials for queer people that is slowly and slowly becoming a bigger part of their routine is the makeup. This, however, does not only include the foundation or the concealer that many use, but mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner, or any other products that many LGBT people use nowadays. For each of these, you probably have your favorite brand, and it might be a bit difficult or perhaps even expensive to buy at your new location. Opting to buy mascara online or finding an eyeliner that is very similar to the one that you use and having it delivered to your hotel is a great ideal. This is how you will save time on going shopping and you will get everything that you need. And we all know how good-looking we want to be on our honeymoon.

Forgetting the documents

This is not only important for the LGBT honeymoons, but for all of them – and it is so important that we simply have to include it in this list. You cannot forget important documents such as the passports, the IDs, the accommodation confirmation and the plane tickets. These are the documents that you should prepare beforehand – put them on your desk or your table just to make sure you do not forget them. Also, do not forget to bring your money and your card.

Not planning the activities

Even though it is your honeymoon and you will probably be doing whatever you want to do, you should have at least a plan of what you want to visit and see. The destination that you choose for your honeymoon will probably be decided for a reason, and that reason is most commonly the things that the newlywed couple wants to see there. If you want to go to a popular touristic destination such as Paris, for example, or any other major city in Europe, and you want to visit some of its most iconic landmarks and museums, you will probably have to book your tickets in advance (such as for Anne Frank’s House in Amsterdam, for instance). Do not make this mistake and plan everything in advance. It is better to be safe than sorry. This is also important so as not to forget an important piece of equipment that you might need for your destination there. 

5. Leaving the day after the wedding

Contrary to popular belief, it is not the best idea to leave for your honeymoon the day of your wedding or the day after. You will need at least several days to relax after the big celebration, and secondly – why the rush? Take your time, see how the wedding went, have those memories and experiences settle down just a bit, and then opt to travel with your spouse. This is how you will manage to enjoy both of these events – as both are equally important. Also, this might result in forgetting something very crucial.

Your honeymoon is sacred and you need to plan it very carefully if you want to experience it in the best possible way. Make a checklist and also think about the mistakes other couples made – this is how you will ensure the perfect packing. Have a great one!

How to Pack for a European Fall City Break

Touring through European cities means seeing many exciting places, learning a lot of history, swimming, and of course, taking a lot of pictures. If this is your first time traveling there, here is a helpful guide of the essential things you will need.


First, let’s talk about shoes since they take up so much space. You have probably made different outfits in your head and can’t wait to wear them, but if they include more than two pairs of shoes, forget about it. All you need are versatile shoes like, white sneakers that will go with any outfit and occasion, or a trendy pair of loafers, and some stylish sandals or slides, which are a better option. If you absolutely have to pack another pair, make sure those are comfortable sports sneakers you can travel in, and then wear them for walking or when you go sightseeing.


Regardless of the type of vacation you are having, make sure you pack some extra shirts, in case you get wet or dirty. Pieces that can be both casual and formal are men’s polo shirts, which are a classic you can’t go wrong with. Wear it with shorts, pants, or jeans, and it will look stylish, plus they are very comfortable. Pack some basic monochrome t-shirts, a long-sleeved shirt for a night out, and for a crazy night out, take out your favorite print or trendy t-shirt which you didn’t have the chance to wear.

Pack two pairs of jeans, one pair of pants, and just in case, at least one shorts, because it can get hot. Don’t forget sweaters and a light fall jacket. Denim or leather are perfect because they will keep you warm, they go with everything, and they are super trendy. And, of course, don’t forget your favorite bathing suit because you never know where you will have a chance for a quick dip at least. 


Keeping your skin protected when traveling is pretty hard, which is why you need to have at least some basic skincare products in your cosmetics bag. A face wash, a moisturizer, some wet wipes, sunblock, a deodorant, razors, and at least a concealer will be enough, although you can pack some other go-to products. Make sure to pack travel sizes, and for the purpose of traveling light, you can get all your bath essentials once you get there. And since your cosmetics bag will probably hold these items, condoms, band-aids, and a basic meds kit should be there as well. 


The first and most important thing is a bag or a backpack, whichever you like better. It’s convenient because you can carry it wherever you go, pack all your personal belongings, and even pack something you bought there. 

A wristwatch is the main jewelry piece you need, but if you are a fan of bracelets or necklaces, do pack them, just don’t wear them while you get through airport control. A cool cap can complete your style, so if you like wearing them, pick your favorite and pack it. Sunglasses and a belt should also be on your list. 

Fun and games

In the fun and games section, we will include all the technology since that’s where a lot of the fun is. Your phone, charger, a speaker, headphones, power bank, and a camera are some of the essentials. You can take photos, record, listen to music, talk to people, and get maps and directions when you need it. If you know you will be attending a crazy party, do pack something fun like a wig, glitter, funny clothes, or even just socks or underwear that is at least silly. If your type of fun is a bit calmer atmosphere, a kindle or a book are a good choice. 

5 Tips For Working Out on a Vacation

Are you one of those people who go all out on their vacations? Do you sleep less, so you could do more sightseeing, partying, and drinking during the day (and night), or just enjoy more time in the sun? Do you skip your workouts as well? Well, that’s what vacations are for. However, it’s difficult to fit your gym time in your schedule when you’re back to your daily routine after the vacation. We fall in love with that casual lifestyle when we’re not doing anything at all, and then we struggle with deciding to go back to the gym later on. Nevertheless, here are a few tips you can implement when you’re on a vacation to stay close to your routine and to reap all the benefits of working out anywhere and anytime.

Don’t ride buses, ride bicycles

Participating in sightseeing tours is a big part of everyone’s vacation, but is there anything better than carefree bus rides? Yes, there is! How about renting a bike and experiencing all the beautiful landscapes firsthand, not through a bus window? You can enjoy fresh air, sweat some calories out and work on that booty. If you prefer spending time with a company, you can always sign up for a cycling tour and meet a lot of like-minded people. You will save some money, improve your navigation skills, build muscle and improve flexibility. And the best thing is, you won’t emit any carbon into the atmosphere! On the other hand, if you’re planning to turn cycling into your hobby, investing in a good touring bike is a great idea, too. Make a list of things your bike should have and look for a budget friendly yet quality one.

Don’t forget the essentials

Who in this world thinks about packing some of their workout equipment when going on a vacation? I mean, you already need a lot of space for all your clothes and beauty products. However, you should consider fitting in at least some of the essentials. You can definitely squeeze in training tops and bottoms, running shoes, two pairs of socks, resistance bands, and a jumping rope. And one more thing. You never know what kind of food you’ll stumble upon on your vacation. To make sure you never slack on your diet, bring a pack of your WPI (whey protein isolate) and make those days stress-free.

Pick your accommodation with more attention

A lot of hotels have their own gyms you can use every day. Even if your hotel doesn’t have one, you can still keep up with your workout routine. Scan the area to see if there are some other workout facilities you could use. Take a swim in the pool early in the morning, or go jogging. If there are a lot of stairs in the neighborhood, even better! Your legs and booty will be grateful even if it’s just a 10-minute workout plan.

Sleep time is important

This is the fact that can never be emphasized enough. Everyone always talks about getting a good portion of sleep, but why is it so important? Have you ever heard of the growth hormone? It’s a small protein which helps the muscles you worked on during the day grow. Sleep is important because this hormone is normally produced at higher levels during the night than during the day. Also, you don’t need those dark circles forming under your eyes, so you better get some good amount of sleep. You need to feel rested to pull off that early morning workout session.

Eat a lot, but eat healthily 

Working out, walking around and biking will surely get you tired and hungry. You’ll have to replenish what you burn as it will probably be more than the amount you usually burn when you’re not on a vacation. It’s really important to have proper meals, don’t skip any meals throughout the day, and eat a lot of greens. If you have to skip a meal for some reason, consider buying a veggie smoothie. It’s refreshing, healthy, and you won’t be hungry.

Working out on a vacation doesn’t have to mean spending hours in the gym. Opt for shorter, high-intensity sessions early in the morning, which will get you ready for the whole day. You can replace the session in the gym with rope jumping, biking, hiking, any sort of physical activity. Anything is good as long as you’re moving your body.

How to Plan a Perfect LGBT Honeymoon

No matter if you’re a sucker for weddings or not, we can all agree that the honeymoon is the best part of any wedding. This is the time to make the best memories, relax and start your marriage on the right foot. However, without ample planning, your trip can end up being a total bust. So, here are a few practical tips on how to plan a perfect LGBT honeymoon.

Plan well

All the best honeymoons are planned while both parties are on the same page. So, make sure to talk it over before you start contacting travel agents! Do you want to unwind and relax or have a wild adventure that will fill you with adrenaline? Do you prefer bright lights of the city or the quiet of the beach and nature? You must know what you want as a couple and what you prefer as travelers. This will allow you to plan the best honeymoon to mark the beginning of your life together.

Research your destination

Here’s the harsh truth, it’s still illegal to be LGBT in over 80 countries and in 13 you can be sentenced to death for being gay. However, traveling as a gay person can be risky no matter where you go. This is not scaremongering, but even ultra-liberal destinations like NYC, London and Amsterdam have instances of anti-LGBT violence. Now, you can’t miss your honeymoon because you’re scared! But, what you can do is pick a more gay-friendly destination—we just want you to be safe, alright!

Choose LGBT-friendly accommodation

Not every destination has obviously gay resorts and hotels, so make sure to do your research. When in doubt, check with Ebab or go through Fodor’s and Frommer’s selections. You’ll get to find all sorts of LGBT sections, area-specific tips and no-nos for gay romance.

Pack well

If you’re going to a tropical island or anywhere where you’re planning to spend the majority of your time at the beach, you don’t need much. However, you still want to be stylish and even maybe show off your love. For instance, lesbian couples can check out one piece swimwear online and grab matching swimwear. You’ll look so fabulous together (you might look like walking lesbian stereotypes, but who cares!). However, if you’re planning to have fancy dinners in the city, you’ll need something more formal, preferably with sleeves. Additionally, don’t forget to pack all your sex toys and gear. You might get a chance to renew your collection at your destination, but who knows whether they sell anything. You just can’t risk it.

Organize something special

Just because you tied the knot, that doesn’t mean you can leave romance and grand gestures behind you! Take time to surprise your spouse with something very exciting and show just how much you love them. Use your knowledge of their preferences to come up with something amazing that will surely make them happy. If you have a hopeless romantic for a husband, plan a private evening with bubbly, roses and a lot of cuddling. On the other hand, if your wife loves adventure, a field trip to nature will make her feel over the moon.  

Don’t forget why you’re doing this

The most important thing about honeymoons is the feeling of doing something together, as a couple. So, no matter how much you hate organizing stuff, make sure to stay engaged and give your feedback. This planning time will not only allow you to grow as a couple but also bring you closer together. If you plan it together, it will make your honeymoon even more perfect. So, don’t forget why you’re doing this—to celebrate your beautiful love and your victory over haters!

Sure, planning a perfect honeymoon is not something you can do in one afternoon, but if you stay focused and do your homework, you’ll end up in real LGBT heaven!

How to Pack For a Perfect Summer LGBT Road Trip

It’s summer which means that it’s time for that LGBT road trip of the year, and we cannot be more excited than that. You have probably decided on your destination, but depending on the destination that you chose, you will have to pack accordingly. Some people like to go to cold places during the summer months, such as Scandinavian countries for example, and if this is the case, make sure to pack both something warm and something for when it’s hot. However, we will focus on those who will go someplace hot where they will show plenty of skin. What to pack and what to have always in mind?

The essentials

The first things that you need to put in your bag are the essentials that you cannot travel without. These include your passport, your ID, your medical insurance, your plane tickets and the booking of your accommodation. Have these in one place and don’t forget them as you cannot buy new ones there. This is particularly important for your passport and your medical insurance. As far as the tickets and the booking confirmation are concerned, it’s always good to have them with you at all times, unless you want to run around trying to find a place to print them out. Also, have a backup copy on your phone.


As far as clothes are concerned, make sure to have something for every single occasion. This means that you want something long-sleeved in case it gets chilly, something formal, something sporty, something sexy. It’s summer and you probably don’t need a lot of clothes, but bringing something of everything will definitely make your stay there more interesting. Also, you can bring some women’s boots if you want to have a crazy night out in drag or if that’s your cup of tea. However, make sure that the things you wear are comfortable, as comfort comes before anything else.

Something formal

Since it’s your summer holiday, there will be a time when you will go out together on a formal dinner at a good restaurant, and this is why you need to pack something that’s a bit more formal as going there in flip flops and shorts just won’t do. Now, you don’t have to pack your whole suit, but make sure that you have one pair of good pants and a shirt that accentuates all of your best features. As far as shoes are concerned, you can choose sneakers as these go well with suits and also because athleisure.

Vanity table items

Now, what about the small things that you think take no space but when you double check you see that they are taking way more than they are supposed to? We are talking about shampoos, skin care products, perfumes. First, check if there are shampoos in the hotel or apartment you will be staying at, and if yes, there is no need to bring your own. You will need some space for the sunscreen and other things that are important for the summer. Of course, don’t forget your signature perfume as you will need it every night. You don’t have to bring more than one – it’s summer and more often than not you will not be needing it. 

For sexy time

And finally, an LGBT trip is nothing without the possibility of getting between someone’s sheets, of course, if you’re single and going without a partner. If this is your case, do not forget to pack your favorite pair of underwear as you will never know when you will be needing them. Apart from that, bring condoms and lube – you might find these there, but it’s always better to bring some with you. Also, have at least one condom always with you in your wallet. 


Well guys, hopefully, you will have the time of your life. LGBT trips are amazing, and there are things that you will remember from every single one of them. This is why you should make this summer another summer to remember!

Gay Summer Vacation Outfits and Style Tips

We love summer for so many reasons, and one of them is because we get to wear amazing summer clothes! This is even more exciting when we’re planning what to pack and bring with us when we go to our long-awaited summer vacation! No more sweaters, caps and winter shoes for a while, it’s time for something lighter and more comfortable! Check out this cool and stylish list about what’s hot this year regarding gaycation fashion! 

Classic jean jacket

You can find denim in most closets! Yet, when we’re talking about a jean jacket, not everyone can pull off this ever-classy piece of clothing in the same way, and many people don’t combine it in such a way to get the most out of the outfit. Maybe your first instinct would be to pair it with regular blue jeans. This is acceptable. However, match it with a pair of black jeans instead if you want to be even more stylish.  

A classic jean jacket is perfect for breezy summer nights or as a chic layer to get that look which is both casual and stylish at the same time. 

A lightweight hoodie

Even if you see that the temperature is going to be ideal during your stay, you should still consider packing your favorite hoodie! You might need it during the morning hours when it’s a bit colder, or to offer you a little warmth on the beach when the wind gets too cool. If you feel cold during your promenade with your partner, you won’t enjoy it as much. However, bring your lightweight hoodie and feel completely carefree!

Nautical striped knit shirt

This is one of those items of clothing that look good on whoever wears them. If you want to be complimented on your perfect getup, know that this piece, which is a combination of navy and white, and is also known as a French sailor shirt, goes perfectly with blue or black jeans. 

Cotton short-sleeved shirt with buttons

This is something everyone has, probably more than one. If you do not own anything like this, it’s time you go shopping and buy more of them, each in a different color! It’s dressier than other items on this list, and it requires a pair of nice-looking quality shoes. You can wear this if you want to go out, since it’s perfect for a club or maybe if you’re having a dinner with your partner. If you want to experiment a bit, try a floral pattern or maybe a checkered one. It’s audacious and people will notice you for sure!

Branded underwear

Whenever you want to invest in quality branded men’s underwear, know that you can’t make a mistake. While fashion keeps changing every once in a while, good old branded underwear is always in! It doesn’t matter that no one can see it but yourself (if we are not including your significant other), when you know you’re wearing underwear of the highest quality, you simply feel better and more stylish! You deserve the best, and if you already pay attention to wearing only trendy clothes, underwear should be included here undoubtedly! 

Hopefully, you’ll find this stylish list helpful and inspiring. You can always check out pictures in magazines and on the internet to see how famous people have combined these items. You’ll find a lot of amazing looks and you’ll want to copy them for sure. However, if you don’t want to be a copycat, you can always experiment and do things differently. Be creative and unique and have fun as others stare at you in amazement on your vacation.

How to Plan a Memorable Bachelor Party

Yes, we love wedding ceremonies and parties as we can dance the night away, drink whatever we want to and celebrate the love between two people. But, what do we love even more? Yes, a bachelor party. Not only is this party here as the first in the row (the wedding’s coming up), but it’s also a great way to spend your friend’s last single days together. However, different groups of people organize different bachelor parties. Some feature the blinding lights of Las Vegas, others feature a board game and bottles of beer. So, what kind of bachelor party are you going to attend or throw? Not sure? Take a look at this guide as we will give you some ideas on how to throw a perfect bachelor party regardless of sexual preferences.

Chug up

What’s a bachelor party without drinks? Not paying attention to drinks is simply out of the question, so make sure to make this your priority when you start organizing the bachelor party. You can play this in many different ways, and each one depends on the actual location of your bachelor party. If it’s going to be a club, then you will have nothing to worry about. However, most bachelor parties start at home or a weekend house and this is where you will need to get the booze. Make sure that you know who’s drinking what, or if you want to play it safe, you can always simply get gin or whiskey or make it a cocktail party.

Hit the road

Another way to organize this bachelor party is to organize a small road trip. This could be done somewhere very close to the city or town where you live, so it would practically be a small weekend getaway to some other town or city. Or, you can also go completely The Hangover and book tickets to some exotic destinations such as Hong Kong, Singapore or Australia. The latter is always a very interesting option as it caters for all the needs that you want – you can explore the bush, or you can have an amazing time on the coast. Be that as it may, make sure that you book everything in advance – plane tickets and accommodation, and see if the groom has days off for the trip!

Add events

Next up, what are you going to do during the bachelor party? It simply won’t do just to listen to music and drink, so it’s up to you and your friends to think of some very exciting activities. This is also the case if you opt for a trip someplace exotic, as you actually need to plan your activities in advance– you cannot just wander around not knowing what to do. If you happen to go to Australia, one of the options could be to visit a great strip club in Sydney – no matter if you’re straight or gay, you will most definitely have fun here. This will also be a complete success if the groom is straight. 

Lights, camera, action!

Finally, no matter what you choose and what you do, don’t forget to record everything! This will a night to remember, so make sure that you have plenty of battery left and space in order to record every single second of your amazing bachelor trip. You can use these photos and recordings afterwards to make an amazing vlog that you will share among yourselves – can we agree on how awesome a memory this is? Then again, perhaps you will be in The Hangover 4, so you need photos to remember what happened the previous night!

Organizing a bachelor party is always so much fun. In order to organize the best one yet, make sure that you make a checklist of all the things that need to be done, and go slowly over each. If you do this the right way, you will have the time of your life. After all, it’s not important where you are, but who you are with.

5 Ways to Stay Healthy on a Summer Vacation

We were doing our best to stay fit and healthy for the summer, and now that it’s here, what now? Well, it seems that we definitely need to keep going and pay attention to all the things that we eat, drink, do, just in order to stay healthy during our summer vacation. Imagine working so hard to get that damn booty so well-rounded or your abs picture-perfect just so that you get sick and stay in bed the whole summer vacation. Awful, indeed. So, take a look at a couple of ways in which you can make sure that you stay completely healthy this summer!

Healthy snacks, always

Summer is probably the season when we don’t actually get hungry that often. Could it be because of the heat, or perhaps we have so much fun in the sun that we forget about hunger, it’s not known. But it’s true. So, in order to make the best out of this situation, it’s important not to snack on junk food, as it will never do you any good. Not for your body, and not for your health. This is why you should stack yourself with healthy snacks, such as healthy nuts, high-protein nutrition bars, or fruit. The latter is always a great option for the beach for example, as it’s not only healthy but incredibly refreshing as well. 

Take your vitamins

Sometimes, we don’t actually get all the vitamins that our body needs. Summer is even worse in this case, as we, as already mentioned, forget to eat and are constantly trying to find new ways to have fun and enjoy the sun. Due to the fact that we don’t eat regularly or simply eat whatever comes to hand, we should make sure we’re taking all the important vitamins and nutrients our body needs. Apart from the regular magnesium, vitamin D or iron, we should take something for our heart and cardiovascular health, such as the CoQ10 pills that will also help with the oxidation of our system. Remember that your health is the most important thing that you own, and you really want to keep special attention to it during summertime. You definitely don’t want to get crazy right now!

Your face matters

Skincare is also a form of being healthy, so it doesn’t matter that this is not your first association upon hearing the word “healthy”, but sunscreen is definitely something you always need to have with you, especially during summertime. Even though not many people know that it’s important to use sunscreen in winter as well, most of us know that the summer sun is quite dangerous, and that the UV sunrays are quite harmful. Choosing a good sunscreen will definitely help your face skin and health. 

H2O to the rescue

Thank God and people are finally aware of the importance of hydration! But the point is to know exactly when you need to drink water. For example, many people fail to do so during summertime, which can cause fatigue and sluggishness. What can make this worse is travelling and spending time in the sun, so it’s important to always have a bottle of water next to you. It’s still a question how much water a day you should drink, but make sure that it’s around 2 liters. Drinking plenty of water and hydration in general is not only important for your face or skin, but for your general health as well. Your organs need water in order to function normally, your metabolism will get better, and your brain will work in a better way. 

Get enough zzzs

As the final piece of advice on how to stay healthy during your summer holidays is that you always sleep as much as you need, which is, to remind you, 7 or 8 hours a night. Yes, there will be times during which you will be gaying your way through the crowd of dancing people, but make sure that you get rested afterwards, and don’t party every single night. Sometimes your body needs to recover from dancing, let alone alcohol and whatever-else-you-took, so make sure you have your alarm clock ready nearby. Or a picture of sheep if in need to count them. 

So what’s our goal this summer? Yes, have fun obviously, find a boyfriend or a crush / one-night stand. But the most important one is definitely staying healthy. Without that, we wouldn’t be able to achieve other goals!

5 Best Ways to Relax After a Long Flight

Traveling is always so much fun, but if we travel to distant destinations, then we face jet lag, one of the worst feelings in the world. So it’s safe to say that with traveling long distances, you gain some, you lose some, in this case sleep. However, this is a small price to pay for a good trip, especially because there are reasons how to overcome this problem. So, if you have a long trip ahead of you, this is how you can fight off your jet lag:

Spend the day in the nature

It doesn’t matter where you went, coming back home is always difficult. However, what could make you feel slightly happier is not going straight home, but actually spending the day in nature. Exposure to daylight is a very powerful and natural tool that can definitely help you out. This is why, if you’re feeling sleepy (which is one of the main symptoms of jet lag), go outside and spend the day in the sun. Go to the closest park and spend the day with your friends there. It’s important to go somewhere that’s very light and relaxing, so local beaches or parks will do just fine. However, if the weather is not good, you might be in trouble and have to move to a different tip.

Stay active

While your initial idea after a long flight would be to relax, you can also stay active. Exercising early in the morning or late afternoon (good sex can also count as an activity, for your information!) will certainly revitalize you. However, make sure not to exercise very close to your bedtime as it can be counterproductive.

Relax in your home

Probably the first idea of any of us would be to go home and relax in the comfort of our own home. And this is generally an amazing idea, but make sure that you actually know how to relax. Go home, take off your clothes, take out your candle supplies and light them up, prepare yourself a warm bath and simply relax. A warm bath can really be incredibly powerful and will certainly revitalize you, give you that freshness that you need and wake you up or make you hit those zzzs that you’re missing.

Drink natural tea

Drinking coffee or drinks rich in caffeine will certainly keep you up for some time, but it’s not always the healthiest choice. Instead, you might opt for some more natural drinks, such as a cup of natural tea. The best drink to recharge your body and your mind is a natural brew of Yerba Mate, ginkgo biloba and ginseng. However, it might be quite difficult to prepare it yourself, so if you lack the ingredients or you cannot find an already made mixture, you can opt for a cup of chamomile, lavender or valerian tea. Also, green tea and green matcha tea are also great options that will boost your energy levels a bit.

Mind what showers you take

As far as showers are concerned, you might think that it doesn’t matter what kind of shower you should take and this is where you would be wrong. In case of jet lag, make sure to take a cold shower in the evening and a warm one in the morning. This will release melatonin, also known as the sleep-regulation hormone, as it becomes triggered in sudden temperature changes in the body.

Take a nap

If you land in the afternoon and hit straight home, the chances of you going to bed and falling asleep are very high – and if you sleep 8 hours then you will wake up somewhere in the middle of the night, and what have you done? Nothing. This is why the only way to include sleep in your anti-jet lag process is to take short naps, also known as power naps. These will help you relax for just a bit but will also give you that energy boost that you need to survive until your usual bedtime.

We all love to sleep, and it seems that as we grow older, the more we appreciate sleep. However, it’s not healthy to always sleep, and this is why you should try whatever you can do to fight your jet lag. Not only is it unhealthy, but it’s also quite nerve-wracking. Try out these simple tips and you will see the difference.