road trip

Best Tips for an LGBT Road Trip

Going on a road trip is one of the most adventurous things in the world, especially if you’re doing it with your close friends. Still, getting in a car and hitting the road is simply impossible to do unless you plan everything first. Investing your time and energy into details such as your destination, accommodation, food, budget, and activities might take a while, but this is ultimately going to take your road trip from average to amazing. If you too are planning a road trip adventure as well, here are a few gay-friendly road trip tips that might end up going a really long way.

Choose your destination

This is probably the most important decision you’re going to make during this entire process, but there’s a problem when you’re choosing a destination for an LGBT road trip – not all destinations are as LGBT-friendly as you may expect. Even though we’re living in the 21st century and consider people to act friendly towards tourists, you’d be surprised to hear about the problems LGBT tourists are facing when they’re on vacation.

Therefore, picking a destination is something you need to do very carefully. Take your time, look into some of the most LGBT-friendly places in the world, and pick a spot where you’ll feel welcomed, safe, and good. Also, be sure to talk to your travel companions and hear them out – they might recommend a destination you didn’t think of or vice versa, so take their wishes into consideration too.

Pick your companions

Speaking of your travel companions, this is another issue you need to address carefully. While most people think that who you’re traveling with isn’t as important as where you’re going, that’s actually not the case. Just imagine being stuck in a car with three or four people you hate for a week or two – yes, not going in the first place is much better than that!

Your companions should be the people you know for a while and who you’re comfortable around. These people will share every waking moment of your time with you, so you need to feel relaxed enough to behave naturally instead of having to pretend you’re someone else. It’s not about your sex or sexuality – after all, your companions don’t necessarily have to belong to the LGBT community at all – but about spending time with someone you generally love spending time with.

Fix your car

Just because you’re going on a road trip doesn’t mean you should be left stranded in the middle of the road. Still, this definitely happens more often than you can imagine, and it will certainly happen to you as well unless you’re traveling in a car that’s properly maintained and ready for such a journey. Doing these things isn’t easy, but it’s just something you have to do if you want to be able to get home from your road trip.

Maintaining your car regularly means checking the engine, inspecting the fluids, changing the oil, and replacing the tyres. The latter might easily be the most important thing of them all, so looking into those reliable 4wd tyres could end up saving your life. Having the wrong tyres might ruin your trip quite easily, so replacing them before hitting the road is definitely a great idea. 

Pack your essentials

One of the benefits of traveling by car is being able to bring as much luggage with you as you want. Unlike airplanes, cars give you an option to pack literally all your essentials, so make sure you’ve packed everything you’re going to need on your road trip. This might not be easy, but dedicating some time to this issue is way better than realizing you don’t have some of your stuff while you’re in the middle of nowhere.

Packing for your perfect LGBT summer road trip means packing a number of crucial items – from your documents and your clothes to your formal wear and your skin products. In the end, you need to pack your less formal clothes as well – after all, finding a lover is just the thing all single young people are hoping for on their road trip.

Going on a road trip is always fun and exciting, but if you’re going on an LGBT road trip this summer, you can be sure you’re going to have the time of your life! Being surrounded by others who are just as fun and wild and free as yourself will make this road trip an occasion you’re going to remember forever.

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Peter Minkoff

Peter Minkoff is a gay travel and lifestyle writer. Besides writing, he worked as a travel journalist for many publications in Australia and the UK. Follow Peter on Facebook and Twitter for more tips. Peter Minkoff ist ein schwuler Reise- und Lifestyle-Autor. Er arbeitete als Reisejournalist für viele Publikationen in Australien und Großbritannien. Folge Peter auf Facebook und Twitter für weitere Tipps.