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5 Best Ways to Relax After a Long Flight

Traveling is always so much fun, but if we travel to distant destinations, then we face jet lag, one of the worst feelings in the world. So it’s safe to say that with traveling long distances, you gain some, you lose some, in this case sleep. However, this is a small price to pay for a good trip, especially because there are reasons how to overcome this problem. So, if you have a long trip ahead of you, this is how you can fight off your jet lag:

Spend the day in the nature

It doesn’t matter where you went, coming back home is always difficult. However, what could make you feel slightly happier is not going straight home, but actually spending the day in nature. Exposure to daylight is a very powerful and natural tool that can definitely help you out. This is why, if you’re feeling sleepy (which is one of the main symptoms of jet lag), go outside and spend the day in the sun. Go to the closest park and spend the day with your friends there. It’s important to go somewhere that’s very light and relaxing, so local beaches or parks will do just fine. However, if the weather is not good, you might be in trouble and have to move to a different tip.

Stay active

While your initial idea after a long flight would be to relax, you can also stay active. Exercising early in the morning or late afternoon (good sex can also count as an activity, for your information!) will certainly revitalize you. However, make sure not to exercise very close to your bedtime as it can be counterproductive.

Relax in your home

Probably the first idea of any of us would be to go home and relax in the comfort of our own home. And this is generally an amazing idea, but make sure that you actually know how to relax. Go home, take off your clothes, take out your candle supplies and light them up, prepare yourself a warm bath and simply relax. A warm bath can really be incredibly powerful and will certainly revitalize you, give you that freshness that you need and wake you up or make you hit those zzzs that you’re missing.

Drink natural tea

Drinking coffee or drinks rich in caffeine will certainly keep you up for some time, but it’s not always the healthiest choice. Instead, you might opt for some more natural drinks, such as a cup of natural tea. The best drink to recharge your body and your mind is a natural brew of Yerba Mate, ginkgo biloba and ginseng. However, it might be quite difficult to prepare it yourself, so if you lack the ingredients or you cannot find an already made mixture, you can opt for a cup of chamomile, lavender or valerian tea. Also, green tea and green matcha tea are also great options that will boost your energy levels a bit.

Mind what showers you take

As far as showers are concerned, you might think that it doesn’t matter what kind of shower you should take and this is where you would be wrong. In case of jet lag, make sure to take a cold shower in the evening and a warm one in the morning. This will release melatonin, also known as the sleep-regulation hormone, as it becomes triggered in sudden temperature changes in the body.

Take a nap

If you land in the afternoon and hit straight home, the chances of you going to bed and falling asleep are very high – and if you sleep 8 hours then you will wake up somewhere in the middle of the night, and what have you done? Nothing. This is why the only way to include sleep in your anti-jet lag process is to take short naps, also known as power naps. These will help you relax for just a bit but will also give you that energy boost that you need to survive until your usual bedtime.

We all love to sleep, and it seems that as we grow older, the more we appreciate sleep. However, it’s not healthy to always sleep, and this is why you should try whatever you can do to fight your jet lag. Not only is it unhealthy, but it’s also quite nerve-wracking. Try out these simple tips and you will see the difference.